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Kate & Corwen



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Kate Fletcher

Contemporary Folk

Drake's Drum

Music for Handfastings & Weddings

Viking/Saxon Music

Medieval Music

Victorian Music


Music for Weddings, Handfastings and More

Kate teaching a chant at a handfasting
handfasting procession

We can play music for your Handfasting, Wedding, Child Naming, Burial or other ceremony. We can also help you find an appropriate celebrant (Priest, Priestess, Druid, Wiccan, Shaman or Heathen) if you need one, just ask.

We often play at handfastings and other ceremonies with our full band Drake's Drum (which includes Wendy Morrow, an experienced wedding harpist). We offer a variety of packages which include music during your ceremony, during the reception and can include a Ceilidh (country dance with a caller) in the evening.

As a duo we can offer a lot of instrument combinations, as many as you like whenever you like (eg Bagpipes/Shawm for procession to ceremony, Kantele/Whistle during ceremony etc etc). Here are some ideas:

1) Native American flute, Shruti Box, Shaman drum (very tribal). 
2) Kantele/Lyre and Bone Whistle or Wooden Whistle (very ancient).
3) Pibgorn/Shawm and loud medieval Bagpipes or Pipe and Tabor (very medieval, great for processions).
4)  Guitar and Low whistle, Pibgorn, Bagpipes or Fiddle (very Folky).
5) Various signalling instruments, such as wooden and animal horns and bullroarers, useful for marking the beginning or end of a ceremony.
6) We can also sing songs, pagan, medieval or folk and teach your guests simple appropriate chants to sing during any processions etc.We can bring drums/rattles for your guests to play during any processions.

We are also available seperately. As a soloist Corwen can offer the following:

1) Pipe and Tabor (medieval pipe and drum combination).
2) Loud Bagpipes and Quiet Bagpipes played with or without large drum operated by foot pedal.
3) Native American Flute and Shruti Box (foot operated drone box).
4) Various whistles and Flutes with or without Shruti Box/pedal drum.
5) Simple tinkling on Kantele (wire strung Baltic Psaltery).
6) Moody scraping on Jouhikko.
7) Horns and bullroarer for signalling or marking the start or end of a ceremony.
8) I can teach your guests some chants and sing songs accompanying myself on mandolin.

As a soloist Kate can offer:

1) Kantele, with or without Shruti Box.
2) Guitar and Voice, or Kantele and Voice.
3) Native American Flute and Shruti Box.
4) Kate of course sings beautifully and can teach your guests chants as above.

We can wear:

1) Dark Age (Celtic/Anglo Saxon) Costume.
2) Early Medieval costume.
3) English Folk Mummer/Guisers tatter clothes.
4) Napoleonic War outfits, which can become our New Romantic Dandy Highywaymen look!
5) Robes.
6) Normal clothes...
7) Stilts!

Please feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements.

Guideline fees are as follows: £150 per musician. Additional £50 for PA if needed. Plus expenses: travel at 40p per mile (HRM recommended amount) and appropriate charge for overnight accommodation if necessary. These charges may vary depending on your precise requirements. For an extra charge we can find additional performers, drummers, pipers, singers and dancers!












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